Frank Wright

The Stonehenge is in Wiltshire, England. In a place called Salisbury Plain. The Stonehenge that we see today is not what was built in around 3,100 B.C. Most of the stones have eroded, crumbled, or have been removed by constant people visiting the site. In 1978 visitor contact was not allowed. Some people believe that the Druids built the Stonehenge. Other people believe that people built the Stonehenge in the Neolithic period around 3000 B.C. Although no one really knows who built the Stonehenge.
Architectural Design
Some people believe that the Stonehenge was built in three or four phases. Depending where you get your information. The first stage started around 3,100 B.C. Which consist of building of a bank and a ditch arrangement called a henge. People believe that the ditch was dug with tools made if antlers of red deer. The first stage was abandoned for about 1,000 years. The second phase of the Stonehenge was started around 2,150 B.C. This consists of the building of the Bluestones. Which is the inner circle of the Stonehenge. The Bluestones where believed to built out of stone of the Prescelly Mountain. The Prescelly Mountain was about 240 miles away from the site that the Stonehenge was being built at. This made getting the stones to the built site very difficult. The third and final stage started around 2,000 B.C. During this time they built the Sarsen Stones. The stones where taken from the Marlborough Downs near Avebury. This was about 20 miles away. Which helped in moving the stone to the building site. The builders did not have to go as far for the outer circle stones as they did for the inner stones. The final stages begin around 1,500 B.C. During this time the Bluestones where rearranged in a circular shape and a horseshoe shape.
Harmony and Nature
Some believe that the Stonehenge was built to indicate different times of the year. It indicates the winter and summer solstices. So they people can know when to plant and harvest the plants. It was also used in ceremonies. The Stonehenge was built from nature.
Symbolism and Scared Objects
Many historians believe that the Stonehenge was used and many rituals and ceremonies. Such as people used it for human sacrifices. It is also believed that the Stonehenge was a related to the God and Goddess of that time. The Stonehenge is also believed to be a symbol of the solar system.
How the Stonehenge used in by worshippers
Many different people used the Stonehenge in worship. The Wicca religion believes that the Stonehenge has very strong powers. They also believe that it is special to get married in the center of the Stonehenge. It is also believed that many people used the Stonehenge in rituals and ceremonies. The Stonehenge is believed to be a represent the solar system and the movement of the planets. During the time that it was built people depended on farming for their food. They were depended on the summer and winter solstice. The Stonehenge was believed to indicate the summer and winter solstice.
Lazzari, Margaret, and Dona Schlester. Exploring Art: A Global, Thematic Approach. 2nd edition Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth, 2005
“Sunrise at Stonehenge: a personal perception”. October 31, 2007.
“About Stonehenge”. November 1, 2007.
“How it was built”. November 1, 2007.
“Place of Peace and Power: Stonehenge, England”. November 2, 2007
“Stonehenge: A Mystical Temple” November 7, 2007
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